As Chair and on behalf of the Governing Council, I congratulate Principal Eva Kannis-Torry and her staff on bringing the College through a very challenging three year cycle. The 2022 cohort of students achieved remarkable academic results.
That the College, with its passionate dedicated staff and diverse student cohort, prevailed through the last three years with the direct and related challenges presented by COVID-19, and achieved outcomes that matched and exceeded prior years, is outstanding. These outcomes don't just happen; it has taken an extraordinary amount of hard work and commitment from all staff, capably lead by Eva and her leadership team, with a strong focus on the students and their welfare and study needs, that has seen students' achieve results that will see many proceed to further studies and their preferred career pathways.
The College's enviable reputation is well recognised by the Department for Education, other stakeholders, and leaders within and beyond Australia, as a college that delivers a high level of education and enriches peoples' lives as they consider future study and career opportunities. Retaining and supporting this unique and remarkable place of learning must be an ongoing priority.
Notwithstanding last year's challenges, in terms of the broad curriculum scope and opportunities, and continued innovation, the College has provided an environment that has seen commendable SACE and other academic results achieved.
Continued strong considered management and financial stability has seen further facilities improvements. The covered outdoor learning area between mathematics and science has added to the outdoor spaces available to students.
The College is a strong supporter of Harmony Day, Reconciliation Week, World Environment Day and International Day of Peace. The college's values and commitment to a global community of peace, respect and understanding are promoted in the curriculum and through these events.
I thank the members of the Governing Council for their support, and Eva and her staff for their outstanding contribution. On behalf of Governing Council, I wish to thank departing members, students and staff representatives for their service in 2022 and look forward to welcoming new and continuing members to the Governing Council in 2023.
Daryl Jarrett