Biology A and B

SACE Stage 1

Home » Biology A and B

Biology A and B


SACE Stage 1

10 or 20 credits

Students develop an understanding of the diversity of life as it has evolved, the structure and function of living things and how they interact with other organisms and the environment. The subject involves four topics, from the microscopic level of cells and microorganisms through to ecosystem dynamics and the impact of human activity on the natural world.

Course Content
Biology A
Cells and Microorganisms

  • Cellular diversity and characteristics of different cells
  • Cellular processes
  • Importance of microorganisms
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
  • Relationships within ecosystems
  • Energy and nutrient flow in ecosystems
  • Biodiversity, species at risk and human activities
Biology B
Infectious Diseases

  • Disease transmission, epidemics and control
  • Non-specific and adaptive systems
Multicellular Organisms
  • Multicellular organisms and cell specialisation
  • Exchange surfaces in animal systems


Investigations Folio 50%
Skills and Applications Tasks 50%