English as an Additional Language (Entry)

SACE Stage 1

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English as an Additional Language (Entry)

English as an Additional Language

SACE Stage 1

10 or 20 credits

This subject is for students for whom English is an additional language. It further develops their ability to use the English language, and focuses on improving their academic literacy skills. In this subject, students learn how to communicate, comprehend, analyse and create both spoken and written texts of an academic nature.

This subject prepares students for further study in Stage 1 EAL A and B.

Course Content
Further Info
Course Content
This subject focuses on the following skills and strategies:

  • exchanging information, opinions and experiences through writing and speaking in a range of situations and contexts
  • comprehending and interpreting information, ideas and opinions presented in texts
  • analysing personal, social and cultural perspectives in texts
  • analysing how language is used to communicate for different purposes
  • creating oral, written and multimodal texts, using a range of language skills appropriate to purpose, audience and context


Students complete four assessment tasks:

Responding to Texts 50%
Interactive Study 25%
Language Study 25%

Further Info

This subject provides entry into SACE for students completing English language programs in Semester 1.

All students who wish to enrol in EAL will need to apply to the SACE Board for eligibility.

This course is offered in Semester 2.