History: Ancient to Modern

SACE Stage 1

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History: Ancient to Modern

Integrated Learning

SACE Stage 1

10 credits

Students will engage with elements from both the Modern History and the Ancient Studies curriculum in this hybrid subject. Students will learn about the history, literature, society and culture of ancient civilizations, as well as investigating the growth of modern nations at a time of rapid global change (post 1945). They study the interactions between nations and seek to understand and critique the social, political and economic changes that have shaped the development of ancient and modern nations.

Course Content
Further Info
Course Content
In the Ancient History context, units of study will be selected from:

  • Understanding Ancient History
  • Art, architecture and technology
  • Warfare and conquest
  • Social structures, slavery, and everyday life
  • Beliefs, rituals, and mythology

In the Modern History context, units of study will be selected from:

  • Modern Nations: Australia (1901-56), United States of America (1914-45), Germany(1918-48), The Soviet Union and Russia (1945-2004), Indonesia (1942-2005), China (1949-2012)
  • The changing world order
  • Australia's relationship with Asia and the South Pacific Region
  • National self-determination in South-East Asia
  • The struggle for peace in the Middle East
  • Challenges to peace and security
  • The United Nations and establishment of a global perspective


Practical Exploration 30%
Connections 30%
Personal Venture 40%

Further Info

This course is offered in semester 1 and 2.