
SACE Stage 1

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Design, Technology and Engineering - Digital Communication Solutions

SACE Stage 1

10 credits

Students use digital cameras in manual modes to develop a technical understanding of how images are taken. They build knowledge and skills in compositional techniques and design processes through practical and written tasks documenting their learning.

Course Content
Further Info
Course Content
Students complete three folios in which they research and develop various in-camera techniques and document their learning. Within these folios, students investigate how to achieve skills such as short and long depth of field and various compositional layouts. The Design Process and Product Folio requires students to research, analyse and investigate other artists' work in relation to their own creative interests, sustainable/ethical practices, image techniques/formats and equipment used. In addition, students include detailed timelines, plans and documentation of learning processes before presenting their finalised images for display.


Specialised Skills Tasks 50%
Design Process and Solution 50%

Further Info

Students use time outside of class hours to complete photo shoots.

This course is offered in Semester 1 and 2.