Twilight Classes

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Twilight Classes at Thebarton Senior College

Thebarton Senior College offers Stage 2 students a range of 20 credit SACE subjects in the twilight.
This provides students with:

  • a variety of choices
  • the opportunity to study a subject of interest
  • small class sizes
  • supportive and experienced teachers
  • the advantages that come with one lesson per week:
    - increased study time during the day
    - flexibility to undertake part time employment
Students can study Stage 2 twilight classes at Thebarton Senior College as part of a full-time enrolment, or combine with subjects at another school.

If you require any further information, please contact the college.

Day and times for twilight classes available at Thebarton Senior College:


Students will explore ideas related to an area of personal interest through a process of self-directed inquiry. They will draw on knowledge, skills and capabilities developed throughout their education that they can apply in this new context, and select relevant strategies to progress the learning to a resolution. The focus of the exploration aims to develop capabilities and support students in their chosen pathways.

Students learn about children's growth and development from conception to eight years, critically examine attitudes and values about parenting and care-giving, and gain an understanding of the growth and development of children.

DANCE (Tuesday only)
Students develop aesthetic and kinaesthetic intelligence, through using the body as an instrument for the expression and communication of ideas. They learn practical movement, choreographic and performance skills. They consider the role of dance in culture, as an art form, and as a life-enrichment opportunity connected to mental and physical wellbeing.

Students develop a strong understanding of the process of mathematical modelling and its application to problem- solving in everyday workplace contexts. They examine statistical, financial and discrete models, and modelling with linear relationships and matrices.

PHOTOGRAPHY (Design, Technology and Engineering - Digital Communication Solutions)
Students develop a range of photographic techniques and skills, using digital cameras and Adobe Photoshop to process and produce images. They actively research, investigate and critically analyse work from other photographers, test different equipment and materials and define issues related to the photographic industry.

Students develop their skills in using rigorous mathematical arguments, proofs and mathematical models. It includes the study of functions, vectors, complex numbers and calculus. The subject provides pathways into mathematical science, engineering, computer science, physical sciences, surveying, economics and commerce.

TUESDAY 4.00-7.00 PM

Students will explore ideas related to an area of personal interest through a process of self-directed inquiry. They will draw on knowledge, skills and capabilities developed throughout their education that they can apply in this new context, and select relevant strategies to progress the learning to a resolution. The focus of the exploration aims to develop capabilities and support students in their chosen pathways.

Students learn about the history, literature, society, and culture of ancient civilisations, which may include those of Asia-Australia, the Americas, Europe, and Western Asia/North Africa, and the classical civilisations of Greece and Rome. Students also explore the ideas and innovations that shape and are shaped by societies.

CHEMISTRY - Please note: this class is now FULL for 2025
Students develop an understanding of the physical world that enables them to be questioning, reflective and critical thinkers. Students use chemistry to explore and explain their experiences of phenomena around them. Within the study of the chemical ideas and concepts, students develop their chemistry investigation skills through practical investigations and critical analysis of chemistry issues.

Students explore acting techniques and apply skills gained in a project of their choice. There is also the flexibility to explore other areas such as production, direction or script design.

Students learn about the impact of the food and hospitality industry on Australian society and examine the contemporary and changing nature of the industry. They develop relevant knowledge and skills as consumers and/or as industry workers.

HEALTH SCIENCE (Scientific Studies)
This course is designed for students interested in pursuing careers in health care, nursing and the broader health sciences. Students will improve their general scientific knowledge, skills and writing techniques in a health context. They study topics from the human body, health and hygiene, infectious diseases and vaccination, and lifestyle diseases and nutrition.

VIDEO PRODUCTION (Design, Technology and Engineering - Industry and Entrepreneurial Solutions)
Students develop and apply knowledge and skills to plan, create, edit and release an audio-visual product. The subject provides a flexible framework for self-directed and innovative learning, where students use a variety of technologies and tools to create films, documentaries, television shows and other audio-visual products.

WEDNESDAY 4.00-7.00 PM

Students will explore ideas related to an area of personal interest through a process of self-directed inquiry. They will draw on knowledge, skills and capabilities developed throughout their education that they can apply in this new context, and select relevant strategies to progress the learning to a resolution. The focus of the exploration aims to develop capabilities and support students in their chosen pathways.

BIOLOGY - Please note: this class is now FULL for 2025
The study of Biology is constructed around inquiry into, and application of understanding, of the diversity of life as it has evolved, the structure and function of living things, and how they interact with their own and other species and their environment.

Students develop aesthetic and kinaesthetic intelligence, through using the body as an instrument for the expression and communication of ideas. They learn practical movement, choreographic and performance skills. They consider the role of dance in culture, as an art form, and as a life-enrichment opportunity connected to mental and physical wellbeing.

ENTERTAINMENT DESIGN (Design, Technology and Engineering - Digital Communication Solutions)
Students have the opportunity to develop characters, environments, creatures, comic book, 3D modelling, sculpting, storyboarding, digital painting, graphic design and props and costumes.

EXTENSION STUDIES: ENTERTAINMENT DESIGN (Design, Technology and Engineering - Digital Communication Solutions or Industry and Entrepreneurial Solutions)
This subject is offered in partnership with Flinders University and CDW Studios, for Year 12 students seeking a visual effects and entertainment design pathway. Students will have the opportunity to complete two Flinders University topics and learn directly from industry professionals in a school setting.

Successful completion of this subject, plus successful completion of both Flinders University topics, guarantees entry into the Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Effects and Entertainment Design) at Flinders University, and provides credits towards the first year of the degree, helping students transition smoothly into university study.

Students explore the role of nutrients in the body as well as social and environmental issues related to nutrition. The study of nutrition assists students to reinforce or modify their own diets and lifestyle habits to maximise their health outcomes.

More Information

Download our twilight classes brochure - Click Here.

To Apply

To apply for a twilight class at Thebarton Senior College for 2025 - Click Here.

Please also email a copy of your latest school report to Thank you.