Vocational Education and Training (VET)

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VET Courses

Silver Recipient - 2024 Australian Training Awards - School Pathways to VET Award
Finalist - 2024 South Australian Training Awards - VET Innovation for Schools Award

Thebarton Senior College is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 40117) accredited to deliver nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications and courses.

Besides gaining valuable knowledge and skills to work in industry, students completing VET can accrue credits which contribute to achievement of the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). Some courses also promote facilitated access to further study pathways, including university education programs.

Thebarton Senior College courses:

Thebarton Senior College offers both full qualifications and 'stackable VET' options in industry areas with workforce shortfalls for which the SA government has defined Flexible Industry Pathways (FIPs). Thebarton Senior College maximises opportunities for students to participate in a wide range of FIPs, which are endorsed by the Industry Skills Councils for delivery to secondary school students as pathways to employment and further study.

Our RTO is accredited to deliver training products in the industry areas listed below (please click on the links for more details):

We also offer four Gateways 2 VET courses designed to provide valuable preparation for Year 10 students contemplating future VET studies in film and television, screen and media, information technology or the trades. For more information about our Gateways courses, please Click Here.

Applicants for full VET certificates are expected to attend an information session, an enrolment interview and undertake a VET Readiness Orientation assessment which includes a Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) test. They must also satisfy any conditions for enrolment in the respective program.

VET training can be used towards SACE completion. SACE Credits are awarded subject to successful completion of VET units of competency within a certificate.

Other training providers:

Thebarton Senior College also engages an external provider to deliver qualifications in the following areas at our site:

  • Electrotechnology
  • Engineering
We also engage other RTOs to deliver accredited qualifications at their own delivery locations. These external providers offer certificates to our students in the following industry areas:

  • Automotive
  • Children's Services
  • Hair and Beauty
  • Individual Support
  • Plumbing
More information about these courses is available from our VET Coordinator.

Thebarton Senior College students are also able to participate in VET courses for other industries not listed above. Please discuss your vocational learning needs with the enrolling counsellors or book an appointment with our VET Coordinator.

To download our VET brochure please Click Here.

Registering Interest for a VET Course
Click Here to register your interest in a Thebarton Senior College VET course.