CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services

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CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services

Thebarton Senior College (RTO 40117)


Duration: One year

35 Stage 1 Credits

Entry Requirements
Course Description

Students undertaking this course are interested in developing basic knowledge and skills to enter the community services workforce. The course has been designed to provide students with an understanding of the community services industry and the ability to be a first point of contact and assistance to individuals to meet their immediate needs.

The course also aims to develop critical workplace skills to enable students to overcome barriers and operate effectively in an organisation environment. This includes the development of communication skills, as well as self-management skills contextualised to industry needs.


Core Units
CHCCOM001 Provide first point of contact
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety
BSBWOR202 Organise and complete daily work activities

Elective Units
BSBWOR201 Manage personal stress in the workplace
CHCPRT001 Identify and respond to children and young people at risk
CHCVOL001Be an effective volunteer
HLTAID010 Provide basic emergency life support


Students completing this course may seek employment as personal care assistants, contact officers, home helpers and other roles within the community services industry. Students may also seek to undertake further studies in the community services industry at Certificate III level.

Entry Requirements

There are no pre-requisites for this course specified in the training package; however, students must satisfy the school admission requirements and achieve satisfactory results in a language, literacy and numeracy assessment.


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